Our Team

Interactive Theatre Staff - Ali

From our creator and original Sybil, Alison Pollard-Mansergh

I’m astounded that a performance company I started over 25 years ago is still going today - I thought we’d only be doing Faulty Towers The Dining Experience for a few months! I sometimes look in disbelief at the way we've grown into the international theatre company we are today, and I’m so proud that it still encompasses the heart and soul that it started with back in 1997.

To me, our shows are the best form of immersive theatre – where the audience can participate as much or as little as they want, where they can laugh and forget the stresses of ordinary life for a few hours, and enjoy the camaraderie of others experiencing exactly the same thing at exactly the same time.

Over the years we've produced and toured some brilliant productions including Confetti & Chaos, Roald Dahl and the Imagination Seekers, Pamela’s Palace, and Signor Baffo’s Restaurant - with new shows coming very soon!